Reading Log Winners

P & C


Order online:

Or cash orders MUST be given to your teacher at the start of class

Correct money MUST be included with your order, NO CHANGE GIVEN

Please ensure the following is on your order: 
AND JUICE PREFERENCE (Apple, Orange, Tropical or Apple and Blackcurrant)

Thank you for supporting our P&C sausage sizzle

Online Canteen

Orders must be placed online no cash orders.


Somerly Primary School
Phone: 6206 4200                            Dental Therapy: 9407 9457


To advise of your child’s absence text mob: 0437 480 486

School Board Update

Welcome back, everyone!

It's been exciting to see such a positive start to Term 3. I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break over the past couple of weeks.

I’d like to extend my congratulations to the wonderful efforts of all staff and community members involved in the successful completion of the school review. The review findings were overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the significant successes of our school in recent years. The extensive involvement from staff across all areas of the school was truly inspiring. I would particularly like to commend Mrs Carroll for her tireless efforts throughout the review. Her outstanding ability to unite the staff and community, combined with her exceptional skill in showcasing the school's achievements, was vital to the success of the review process. A copy of the review findings will be made available on the school website in the near future, allowing the entire community to share in our successes.

Last term was exceptionally demanding for staff at all levels of the school, especially the administration team. Their incredible efforts in responding to the school flooding ensured a swift return to normalcy and a seamless transition for the students. Thank you again to the admin team for their dedication to our families and students.

As we move forward, the board remains committed to supporting our school in every possible way. We have several exciting projects on the horizon, including further enhancements to our school facilities, development of the school’s upcoming multi-year Business Plan, and strategizing on implementing our Reconciliation Action Plan. I encourage all members of our school community to stay involved and share your feedback with us.

As we start the second half of the year, welcome back to our returning families and a warm welcome to new families joining our community.

Warm regards

Harry Turnbull
Chairman of the Board

National Science Week

This year to celebrate National Science Week’s theme of Species Survival - More than just sustainability. We will be having an incursion for our years 1 to 6 students. Each class will attend a 30-minute incursion in which the WA Wildlife Organisation will provide a unique and exciting way to teach students about the importance of protecting the environment by bringing in a variety of amazing animals, including birds, reptiles, and mammals. Students will learn about the animals themselves, their vital role in our ecosystem, and how we can work together to protect them. To help reduce the cost to families, we are currently holding a money war. Students are asked to bring in any silver coins to help their class win the grand prize. Please see the attached flyer for details. 

Mrs Mulder

Waste Wise Schools

Gardening Club

Kaya Somerly community, we have been very busy in our garden during term 2 and term 3. We had a busy bee afternoon with our P & C helpers to start reorganising and moving some of our existing garden beds and composting bins to make way for our new greenhouse. Our students have all been helping during Gardening Club to move the soil to the two raised garden beds that have been placed outside of our year 1 classrooms in block 1.

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Our Pre-Primary room 2 students also used our freshly harvested pumpkins to make pumpkin soup.

Watch this space for more gardening updates!

Don’t feed the fill!
Be the Change!

Thank you to all our staff, students, and community for continuing to support our Containers for Change challenges!

2023 Total 51526 containers!
2024 Goal 60000 containers!
Our current total is 31243 containers!

Congratulations as a whole community we collected 7010 containers for Our Land Our Future Challenge and Elizabeth in room 2’s family won the $50 Woolworths voucher!

Our Challenge winners were

Our next challenge is:

We have some great prizes for our students, parents and teachers.

Bring in your 30 containers and receive a ticket to go into the draw for a Family Zoo Pass for 2 adults and 2 children!

To be drawn in week 5 at our Monday morning communications meeting!

We have had some great competition from our ECE Block 1 so everyone please get involved!

Let’s Celebrate

We have again been featured in the Waste Sorted Schools newsletter.  Here is the link to the article.  We are also finalists in the Waste Sorted Schools Awards, so congratulations to everyone!

So please help us to Save our Planet, Save our Future!

We are the Change!

Late Collection of Students

Somerly Primary School has a student finish time of 2.45pm each day. If your child has not been picked up before 3pm, you will be required to come to the front office to sign them out.

Not Feeling Well?

If your child is not feeling well before school, please keep them home and notify the office by phoning 6206 4200, sending an SMS to 0437 480 486 or emailing

Students Late to School

If your child arrives late to school, they are missing critical morning routines and learning activities. The school day begins at 8:40am and students will be considered late if they do not arrive by this time. If your child arrives after 9:00am you are required to enter through the front office and provide us with a reason for the lateness. A late slip will be printed for you to give to the class teacher.

Behaviour Focus

Our behaviour focus for Week 2:

We are learning to be safe in the playground.

This is because everyone is entitled to play safely.

What we will see:

  • We say ‘Stop’
  • Attempt to use eye contact
  • Say the person’s name
  • Say what the problem is
  • Try to solve the problem calmly and clearly
  • If not resolved, seek help from the duty teacher


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Save the Dates

  • Week 3 – PEAC testing for our year 4 students
  • 22nd July – Year 1 phonics testing
  • 25th July – Clarkson Community High School – Parent Information Session - 3:30pm
  • 26th July Assembly - Rm 13
  • 31st July – P&C meeting 6pm
  • 6th Aug – School Board meeting
  • Week 5 – Science Week incursions
  • Week 5 – Bullying No Way Week

New students

I would like to extend a warm welcome to Logan, Mila, Harper, Havana, Lily, Aarav and Alex who recently commenced at Somerly Primary School.

Louise Carroll

Principal’s Report

Dear Parents/Caregivers

Our vision is to foster every individual’s academic and social development driven by high expectations for success and aspirations for them to become resilient, respectful individuals.

Kaya families

New Staff

We would like to welcome new staff members to our school:

Miss Katy Hough is teaching Digital Technology to our Pre-Primary – Year 2 students on Mondays and Tuesdays, as Mrs Kilian has left Somerly Primary School to teach Kindergarten on a full-time basis at another school.  Miss Hough is also working in Room 12 on Fridays.

Miss Isabel Du Plessis is teaching in Room 20 on Mondays as Miss Finnegan has returned to Ireland.

Mrs Alyssa Godino is teaching in Room 14 on Tuesday - Friday whilst Mrs Donohue is on leave.

We would also like to welcome our Special Needs Teaching Assistants who have joined our school community:

Kusum Maynard, Shauna Zinner, Alison Jackson and Natasha Lloyd-Smith.

Restructuring of Classrooms

As the term began, we welcomed 8 new students, with a couple more starting in the following weeks. Due to this increase in enrolments and with the expectation of further increases we will be looking at restructuring our classes. This decision will involve a great deal of consideration, with many factors being investigated before decisions are made.

P&C School Disco

We have enjoyed a great start to the term with our amazing P&C hosting our Glow Disco.  It was a huge success with children enjoying the social aspects and a team of fathers creating dancing energy as DJs.

School Review

Our School Review Report has been finalised and is available on our school website if you would like to read through the report.

Assembly – 26th July 2024

Room 13 are hosting our first assembly for this term on Friday 26th July.  We will also be drawing the raffle for those who have paid their voluntary contributions.  The last entry date is Thursday 25th July. The prize is a voucher for Joondalup Resort, kindly donated by Mark Folkard MLA Burns Beach.

Premier’s Reading Challenge

We are encouraging our students to participate in the Premier’s Reading Challenge, it’s not too late to join the challenge, log in and meet Dewey. Parents, please support us with this initiative, your child can record the books they are reading as part of their everyday home readers. Each week, students who log their reading enter a draw to win a prize. Premier's Reading Challenge - Premier's Reading Challenge (

Enrolments for 2025

The cut off for enrolments for 2025 was 19th July 2024.  If you would still like to apply for enrolment, please do so as soon as possible.  We will begin the process of planning classrooms very soon and priority will be given to applications that were received by the cut-off date with late applications considered thereafter.  If your child, or a child you know, is turning 4 on or before the 30 June 2025, they are eligible to enrol for our Kindergarten program. Please see the front office to collect an application form.  Alternatively, you can visit our school website and click on the ‘Enrol’ tab where you will find an Application for Enrolment form.

P & C

Somerly Primary School Disco


Order online:

Or cash orders MUST be given to your teacher at the start of class

Correct money MUST be included with your order, NO CHANGE GIVEN

Please ensure the following is on your order: 
AND JUICE PREFERENCE (Apple, Orange, Tropical or Apple and Blackcurrant)

Thank you for supporting our P&C sausage sizzle

Online Canteen

Orders must be placed online no cash orders.


Somerly Primary School
Phone: 6206 4200                            Dental Therapy: 9407 9457


To advise of your child’s absence text mob: 0437 480 486

Currambine Primary School Holiday Flyer

The Fathering Project

For those who may not know, the Somerly Dads Group is a group of dads that meet each term to participate in an activity organised by the school. Events are organised by classroom teacher and father of four, Mr Daniel Gane, and have been funded by our generous P&C.

It is a great group that provides an opportunity for dads and father figures to have fun with their kids and become part of a strong and supportive network of dads and father figures who are connected to Somerly Primary School.

Events run on a termly basis, so this term we partnered with Bunnings Mindarie to take part in a hands-on woodworking session. Pizza dinner was also provided!

New families are always welcome, so join the What’s App group by using the QR code below or watch this space for future updates about upcoming events!

World Environment - 5 June 2024

World Environment Day is a global program led by the United Nations that is aimed at raising awareness and encouraging action to protect our environment. It takes place every year on 5 June.  This year focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration”.

To recognise this event, our students planted native plants around our school to help revegetate our play areas, each class received a plant. Each block received watering cans to allow students to continue to water and look after their plants, to help it grow and thrive. 

The students really embraced this event and enjoyed naming and planting their new plants. I saw many smiles as students built forts to protect their plants and showed other students their plants, referring to them by names such as ‘Bob’ and ‘Groot’. It was really encouraging to see how well-received this event was and I am sure the students will continue to look after them as they grow.

In addition, to the planting we also encouraged all staff and students to come to school with green hair or green hair accessories to acknowledge World Environment Day.  This was also embraced, and I saw lots of amazing green hair styles!

Even though this event is now over, we must all remember that we are #GenerationRestoration and what we do now can help save our environment. 

Thank you all for your support with World Environment Day.

Mrs Mulder

Premier’s Reading Challenge

Late Collection of Students

Somerly Primary School has a student finish time of 2.45pm each day. If your child has not been picked up before 3pm, you will be required to come to the front office to sign them out.

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