19 June 2024
Principal’s Report
Dear Parents/Caregivers
Our vision is to foster every individual’s academic and social development driven by high expectations for success and aspirations for them to become resilient, respectful individuals.
Kaya Families
As the term nears the end, it is an opportune moment to acknowledge the collective strength and adaptability of our Somerly Primary School community. Despite the various challenges and events that we have encountered this term, our community has demonstrated remarkable resilience and unity. It is testament to the supportive and collaborative spirit that defines us. Looking back, we can appreciate the growth and learning that have emerged from these experiences, shaping us into an even stronger and more connected community.
Last week we celebrated World Environmental Day with each class planting and caring for a small shrub in their play areas. Students are proud to be improving our school environment. Some classes have named their shrub - ask your child to show you their class shrub.
Our school recently completed the Public-School Review process which involved staff, School Board members and members of our P&C Committee, reviewing six domains based on the Department of Education Standards for Public Schools. Following a comprehensive assessment of Relationships, Partnerships, Teaching Quality, Leadership, Learning Environment and Use of Resources, we received a positive three-year review with highly commendable feedback. In the domain of Student Achievement and Progress, we are undertaking a one-year review to provide additional evidence of our assessment practices and developing further moderation with other schools.
We still have a few more eventful things to enjoy this term - Clarkson Community College hosted a Rugby Clinic for our Year 5 & 6 students. Tomorrow, all of our students will be participating in our NAIDOC incursion hosted by Yalkarang Consulting to share Noongar language and culture. Throughout the last week of Term 2, students will participate in activities in classrooms acknowledging NAIDOC Week following on from the incursion.
National NAIDOC Week is held in the first week of July every year (Sunday to Sunday) to celebrate and recognise the cultures, history and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
The 2024 NAIDOC Week theme ‘Keep the Fire Burning! Blak, Loud and Proud’ invites all to stand in solidarity, amplifying the voices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The fire represents the enduring strength and vitality of Indigenous cultures, passed down through generations despite the challenges faced. It is a symbol of connection to the land, to each other, and to the rich tapestry of traditions that define Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. ‘Blak, Loud and Proud’ encapsulates the unapologetic celebration of Indigenous identity, empowering Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to stand tall in their heritage and assert their place in the modern world. This theme calls for a reclamation of narratives, an amplification of voices, and an unwavering commitment to justice and equality. It invites all Australians to listen, learn, and engage in meaningful dialogue, fostering a society where the wisdom and contributions of Indigenous peoples are fully valued and respected.
On Friday 21st June, our Year 5 & 6 students will be competing against other local schools in the Lightning Carnival. Please ensure you have provided consent and payment through the Consent2Go app or contact the school. Events and schools involved include;
Volleyball at Quinns Rocks Primary School, Speedball at Mindarie Primary School, Tag Rugby at Kinross Primary School, Boys Soccer at Beaumaris Primary School and Girls Soccer at Somerly Primary School. We wish our students all the best, as they participate to represent our school.
Semester One reports will be emailed out to families on Tuesday 25th June, please ensure you have provided the school with your current email address. If parents require second reports to be sent, please contact the school Somerly.ps@education.wa.edu.au with the relevant information.
Year 6 Camp is scheduled for the last week of Term 3, our Year 6 students will be hosting various fundraising activities to help reduce the cost of the camp. If you have any ideas or if you would like to assist them, please contact the Year 6 teachers. The students are hosting a crazy sock day on the last day of term Wednesday 26th June, please join in the fun and bring in a gold coin donation.
The last day of term is Wednesday 26th June, if you require childcare, Theircare will be available, please contact them 0473 100 777.
I hope the last week of term is enjoyable and provides opportunities for wonderful learning experiences. I also hope you all have a safe and happy school holiday we will see you back at school on Monday July 15th for the start of Term 3.
Save the Dates
- Monday 15th July – First day of Term 3
- Week 1 – PEAC testing
- 22nd July – Year 1 phonics testing
- 25th July – Clarkson Community High School – Parent Information Session 3:30pm
- 26th July Assembly Rm 13
- 12th August – Science Week
- 19th August – Book Week
- 6th September – Somerly Primary School Athletics Carnival
- 13th September – Parent/Teacher Interviews – Half day closure
- 16th –18th September – Year 6 Camp
New students
I would like to extend a warm welcome to Jorjah, Rylee and Tyler who recently commenced at Somerly Primary School.
Louise Carroll
Merit Certificates
Room 1: Faith; Room 2: Shayden and Theodore; Room 4: Anastasius and Jack; Room 7: Nathan, Noelia, Robbert and Sabrina; Room 8: Gitta, Ruby and Tyler; Room 10: Eva and Jai B and Jai F; Room 11: Hunter, Mason and Sherab; Room 12: Addison, Dakoda, Hannah and Lincoln; Room 13: Cooper and Shana; Room 14: Hayley and Ollie; Room 15: Austin and Joseph; Room 16: Isaac and Shalom; Room 17: Avleen and Zack; Room: 18 Archer and Joseph; Room 20: Samuel and Scarlet; Art: Saige, LOTE: Abdul and Tyler, MUSIC: Sydney and Zack.

Reading Log Winners

Behaviour Focus
Our behaviour focus for Week 10 is:-
Whole School Safety: We walk safely and keep our hands, feet and objects to ourselves.
We are learning to: Move about the school safely keeping our bodies to ourselves.
This is so: We avoid touching others and allow everyone to feel safe.
Students Late to School
If your child arrives late to school, they are missing critical morning routines and learning activities. The school day begins at 8:40am and students will be considered late if they do not arrive by this time. If your child arrives after 9:00am you are required to enter through the front office and provide us with a reason for the lateness. A late slip will be printed for you to give to the class teacher.
Not Feeling Well?
If your child is not feeling well before school, please keep them home and notify the office by phoning 6206 4200, sending an SMS to 0437 480 486 or emailing somerly.ps@education.wa.edu.au.
Late Collection of Students
Somerly Primary School has a student finish time of 2.45pm each day. If your child has not been picked up before 3pm, you will be required to come to the front office to sign them out.
Enrolments for 2025
Applications for enrolment to Kindy 2025 are now open. If your child, or a child you know, is turning 4 on or before the 30 June 2025, they are eligible to enrol for our Kindy program. Please see the front office to collect an application form. Enrolments close on 19th July 2024.
Premier’s Reading Challenge

World Environment - 5 June 2024
World Environment Day is a global program led by the United Nations that is aimed at raising awareness and encouraging action to protect our environment. It takes place every year on 5 June. This year focuses on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration”.
To recognise this event, our students planted native plants around our school to help revegetate our play areas, each class received a plant. Each block received watering cans to allow students to continue to water and look after their plants, to help it grow and thrive.
The students really embraced this event and enjoyed naming and planting their new plants. I saw many smiles as students built forts to protect their plants and showed other students their plants, referring to them by names such as ‘Bob’ and ‘Groot’. It was really encouraging to see how well-received this event was and I am sure the students will continue to look after them as they grow.
In addition, to the planting we also encouraged all staff and students to come to school with green hair or green hair accessories to acknowledge World Environment Day. This was also embraced, and I saw lots of amazing green hair styles!
Even though this event is now over, we must all remember that we are #GenerationRestoration and what we do now can help save our environment.

Thank you all for your support with World Environment Day.
Mrs Mulder
The Fathering Project

For those who may not know, the Somerly Dads Group is a group of dads that meet each term to participate in an activity organised by the school. Events are organised by classroom teacher and father of four, Mr Daniel Gane, and have been funded by our generous P&C.

It is a great group that provides an opportunity for dads and father figures to have fun with their kids and become part of a strong and supportive network of dads and father figures who are connected to Somerly Primary School.

Events run on a termly basis, so this term we partnered with Bunnings Mindarie to take part in a hands-on woodworking session. Pizza dinner was also provided!
New families are always welcome, so join the What’s App group by using the QR code below or watch this space for future updates about upcoming events!

Currambine Primary School Holiday Flyer

P & C
Somerly Primary School Disco

Order online:
Or cash orders MUST be given to your teacher at the start of class
Correct money MUST be included with your order, NO CHANGE GIVEN
Please ensure the following is on your order:
AND JUICE PREFERENCE (Apple, Orange, Tropical or Apple and Blackcurrant)
Thank you for supporting our P&C sausage sizzle
Online Canteen www.QuickCliq.com.au
Orders must be placed online no cash orders.
Somerly Primary School
Phone: 6206 4200 Dental Therapy: 9407 9457
Email: Somerly.ps@education.wa.edu.au
Website: www.somerlyps.wa.edu.au
To advise of your child’s absence text mob: 0437 480 486