Welcome to Somerly Primary School

Somerly Primary School opened in 2009 commencing as a Level 5 school consisting of four permanent teaching blocks, library, dental clinic and undercover assembly area. Through the Building Education Revolution (BER) initiative we have added 2 Early childhood Classrooms and enclosed the undercover area. Since opening, the school has grown from 240 (K-7) students to our current enrolment of 445 (K-6) students.

A feature of Somerly Primary School is the dedicated staff with a shared commitment to the School Vision and Values. The teachers and support staff have a wide range of experience with some at the beginning of their careers and others with vast experience. We currently have 33 teachers and 24 Education Assistants.

Somerly Primary school provides a welcoming, friendly and caring learning environment where students are encouraged to model our key values of Respect, Responsibility and Safety.

We aspire for all students to become:

  1. Successful Learners
  2. Confident and Creative Individuals
  3. Active and Informed Citizens

Community partnerships form an integral component of our school. Programs currently operating within the school include, Toddler Reading, Kapa Haka, The Fathering Project, Gymbaroo, Blue Earth, Choir, Coding Cub, Breakfast Club every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings and a before and after school care facility.

The P&C provides strong support to the school and organises a variety of activities that bring our school community together. Over recent years the P&C has been extremely active in providing equipment and facilities that have enhanced our school and learning opportunities for our students.